APCC Download Center

APCC Standard and Pro Download Center 

Download Basics

Getting the Most Out of APCC

Important Installation Information

Download Files

Information regarding APCC including features, requirements, FAQ and more: https://www.astro-physics.com/apcc

Information regarding pricing: check the APCC Pricing tab in our product catalog 


Download Basics

Trial Version

You can test-drive a fully functioning version of APCC-ST or APCC-PRO free for 30 days. Download and install the desired version below.  Once the installation process is complete and you launch the application, the Trial Registration Information screen will appear.  Follow the instructions for the 30-day trial. 

First timers - Trial or Purchase

  • Be sure to review all hardware and software requirements on the APCC Standard and Pro product information page. 
  • Contact our staff to register your email address in our APCC database. If you do not complete this step, you will not receive a license key (permanent or trial). 

APCC License was Issued Previously and APCC is Already Installed

  • Beginning with version 1.9.x,  APCC will query the license key of your existing copy of APCC to determine the date the license was issued.
  • If your license was issued within one year prior to the release date of the new version, all of the new features and updates will be activated following the software installation. 
  • If your license date is older than one year prior to the release date of the new version, then only the bug fixes and minor updates will be activated. In order to activate the new features and upgrades, you will need to purchase a one-year subscription. Please refer to the Order and FAQ tabs of the APCC webpage for more information and review the version history to see what features are included in the most recent version. 


Getting the Most Out of APCC

Documentation:  We encourage you to download and read the APCC Installation and Getting Started Quick Guide and the full documentation. Links are provided in the table below.

Tips for using APCC and associated programs:

Using NINA with APCC-PRO and Astro-Physics Mounts - Astro-Physics Tools

Video Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/astrophysicscorp 

Also consider joining the Astro-Physics ap-gto user group forum at ap-gto.groups.io/g/main 


Important Installation Information

Do you have to uninstall previous versions?  If your installed version is earlier than, you must UNINSTALL all previous version of APCC and the ASCOM V2 Driver. This is required due to extensive updates to APCC and connection to the V2 Driver. You will NOT lose your settings, models, horizon or meridian limits. 


Download Files 

APCC Standard Version, Includes Horizons - must use with ASCOM V2 driver 5.60.07 or later
   Date  Link
 APCC Standard - Public Release Version  March 11, 2024  APCC Standard v1.9.7.14
 APCC Version History  March 19, 2024  Version History
 Video Review of 1.9.7 New Features  October 27,2023  YouTube 1.9.7 Features
 Video Introduction to v1.9 setup and workflow  January 4, 2023  YouTube Introduction to v1.9 Video
 APCC Standard Manual  January 20, 2024  APCC Standard (v1.9.7.x) - PDF
 APCC Standard Help Files  March 11, 2024  APCC Standard Help Files - HTML
 APCC Training Videos   Various  AstroPhysicsCorp YouTube Channel
 Quick Start & Workflow Guide - for APCC, ASCOM and more  December 16, 2022  Quick Start & Workflow Guide
 APCC Standard - Previous Versions    Previous Versions



APCC Pro Version, Includes Horizons - must use with ASCOM V2 driver 5.60.07 or later
   Date   Link
 APCC Pro - Public Release Version            March 19, 2024  APCC Pro v1.9.7.17
 APCC Version History  March 19, 2024  Version History
 Video Review of 1.9.7 New Features  October 27, 2023  YouTube 1.9.7 Features
 Video Introduction to v1.9 setup and workflow  January 4, 2023  YouTube Introduction to v1.9 video
 APCC Pro Manual  January 20, 2024  APCC Pro (v1.9.7.x) - PDF
 APCC Pro Help Files  March 19, 2024   APCC Pro Help Files - HTML
 APCC and APPM Training Videos  Various  AstroPhysicsCorp YouTube Channel
 Quick Start & Workflow Guide - for APCC, ASCOM and more  December 16, 2022  Quick Start & Workflow Guide
 APCC Pro - Previous Versions    Previous Versions